Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sex Sells?


We have all been exposed to it at such a young age. Whether you are walking down the street off of Michigan Avenue window shopping with your family, or driving down Interstate 90 glancing quickly at a billboard, advertisements are everywhere.  
I was walking to the blue line from class one day and came across an ad for Absolut Vodka. There was a woman standing at a bar in a tight dress. Now, to grab more attention to this ad, they  had to accentuate her cleavage and her butt. Most importantly, putting a couple guys in the ad staring at this woman like two predators trying to attack topped it all off. 
So, what exactly is the problem?  There are three beautiful people in this ad selling sex. These sexual images draw attention and interest in people that eventually make them want to purchase a product. Advertisers use sex, hoping it becomes an effective ad to sell their product. You cant escape from the sexist ads that are placed everywhere in the city.  We have absolutely no control. 
Women are portrayed as one thing in these "effective ads", a sexual object. We can see women with their cleavage displayed in the ads from Abercrombie and Fitch and Guess. We're just seen as an extra prop to grab attention from people. This affects our society today because in my opinion, it shows we're completely useless. It shows we are only good for sexual images.  It also creates self- esteem issues for young girls. Women don't look like the models in these advertisements but, it only shows young teens that this is the look you can achieve.
So, does sex really sell? or does it just create problems and issues in our culture that may impact women  and young teens?

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